As a growing institution, we also continue to hone our beloved Heads, Staffs and Teachers in Bestlink College of the Philippines.
The In-Service Training for Teachers with the theme "Upskills for Teachers in the Context of Sustaining Flexible Learning in BCP with Safe and Healthy Environment" was attended by the School Officials, Staffs and Teachers to be ever-ready educators as we start another School year in 2023-2024. It was held at BCP-MV Gymnasium last August 8-10, 2023.
On Day 1,
The Plenary Session 1 "What do We Want? started with a motivational talk from DR. LEAH S. CORPUZ, Motivational Speaker, with the topic "How to be a better Teacher as a Leader of the Class. Afterwards, DR. MILAGROS O. LUANG, Dean-CTE Department, tackled "The Five (5) Year Development Plan 2023-2027". After lunch time, DR. AURORA F. FERNANDEZ, OIC-PMED, reiterated "Institutionalizing the BCP Standard Across the Programs," followed by DR. CHARLIE I. CARIÑO, Vice President for Academic Affairs, who discussed the "Learning Continuity Plan for A.Y. 2023-2024. Then after, DR. RYAN M. IGNACIO, Dean-CHTBAM, demonstrated "The Grading System, Class Schedule, Teaching Load, and Assessment of Learning. The next Speakers were MS. SARAH C. NOGUERAS, OIC-Student Personnel Services, and MR. MARC IAN M. ABUY, OIC-Guidance and Counseling, who collaborated to discuss the "Support Services for the Students and Faculty Safety Protocols. Lastly, MR. JOENEL L. CARLOS, AAI Technical Head, illustrated the "Learning Management System (LMS).
Day 2,
The Plenary Session 2: " What Do We Need? The program started with a talk from REV. FATHER ERIC ESTRADA, EHST, followed by MS. JOY EVELYN A. IGNACIO, Part-time Consultant, OIC-CRAD, who tackled the "Calendar of CRAD Activities (Matrix Schedule) Policies and Guidelines for Research Defense and Services". It was followed by MR. DANILO MOLERA, OIC-Community Extension, who discussed "Reporting and Updating Community Partners, Student Teacher Engagement, Policies and Guidelines for the New Vis-à-Vis and New Program/Department. It was followed by MS. MARIMEL LOYA, OIC-SHS and College Registrar, who addressed the "Enrollment Attendance, Reporting and Updating the Student, Teacher Engagement, Listing of Enrollees, Adding, Dropping, and Changing Subjects, Submission of Grade Sheet, DepEd Voucher (Paying/Non-Paying) and Submission of SHS Forms. After lunch, MS. ELIEZA V. CABALLERO, OIC-Human Resources Department, tackled the "Revisiting/Guidelines and Policies of the Human Resources Department on Functions and Responsibilities of Teachers, Contract/Letter of Intent/Acceptance Letter, Performance Rating of Teachers, Benefits, Incentives, Awards, Retirement of Teachers, and Filling of Leaves/Dress Code of Teachers. Next, MS. MARIANNE A. VICENTE, Head Accounting Department, explained the "Revisiting/Guidelines and Policies of the Accounting Department on: Enrollment and Extraction of Biometrics, Salary Payment, Procedure for Receiving Salary, Submission of the Required Documents for Incentives and Deductions, and Mandatory Benefits. Afterwards, MR. GERONIMO "Ian" ERGUIZA, OIC-School Activities, presented the "Calendar of Activities S. Y. 2023-2024 1st Semester. Lastly, ENGR. DIOSDADO T. LLENO, Vice President for Admin and Finance, provided "Quick Status Updates/Getting In-Touch on Its Programs and Plans.
Day 3,
The Plenary Session 3" What Do We Do? MS. ROSEMARIE SALVADOR, General Education Coordinator, gave motivational encouragement words as we move forward to a new journey for this coming S. Y. 2023-2024. It was followed by MR. JOHN PROS B. VALENCIA, Library Director/BLIS, Program Head, who illustrated the different Systematic processes of the library. Afterwards, DR. LEILANI I. CUSACK, Bulacan School Directress, talked about "Updating of Course Syllabi.
The President Hour happened after lunch, it was lasted for almost 2 hours, wherein our School President/CEO, DR. MARIA M. VICENTE, cater a lot of questions from the current and Newly Hired Faculties pertaining about the history of BESTLINK COLLEGE OF THE PHILIPPINES. The Board of Trustees MS. ELIEZA V. CABALLERO, OIC-Human Resources Department and MS. MARIANNE A. VICENTE, Head of Accounting Department was beside her together with SR. DOMNINA S. BASQUIÑEZ, Campus Ministry Coordinator who was a former Secretary to the President, DR. CHARLIE I. CARIÑO, Vice President for Academic Affairs and ENGR. DIOSDADO T. LLENO, Vice President for Admin and Finance also with the School President, who helped answer other questions. Then afterwards, DR. ROMEO L. FERNANDEZ, SHS Principal, talked about "Updating the Action Plan".
The Closing program started with Words of Gratitude by SR. DOMNINA S. BASQUIÑEZ, Campus Ministry Coordinator, on behalf of MS. EDITH D. P. VICENTE, Executive Vice President. Next was, MR. FERDINAND CAPARIC (Main Campus) and MS. CAMILLE EVIDOR, (SHS) stated their impressions. It was followed by the "Statement of Challenge" by the School President/CEO, DR. MARIA M. VICENTE and then MS. DANA BOATIS for the "Acceptance of Challenge". Afterwards, there was the distribution of Certificates to all the Resource Speakers and participants, with photo ops as per department. Then, "Words of Pledge of commitment were stated by MS. VILMA TAN. Finally, MR. JOSEPH JUN OLIVEROS ended it with words of encouragement and a Closing Prayer.